AC Service and Maintenance

AC Service and Maintenance

AC Service and Maintenance – We can check your air conditioning if you feel it is not cooling optimally. Our mechanics will be able to detect the problems instantly, and you can have a fully functional air conditioning unit. Did you know that bring your car to a reliable service centre for AC Service and Maintenance will help detect any underlying problems with the systems? Our mechanics have the skill to detect the problems sooner so you can prevent AC problems, even save money on future repairs.

Years of Experience

Our mechanics would check the following aspects during the AC service and maintenance:
Bring your vehicle to us for an AC service and maintenance if you notice any of the following problems in your vehicle:
Timely servicing of the AC system will make sure that it is functioning optimally. We suggest that you bring in for a check up of your AC systems twice in a year. However, this would vary depending on how frequently you use the car and the AC, the make and model and your driving habits, of course.
Brake Repairs
The brake is something that needs to be strictly checked during each servicing. We provide a range of services through our brake repair services, including brake pad and shoe replacement, resurface rotes, brake hoses, wheel bearings, etc.
Oil Change
The performance of the vehicle depends a lot on the quality of oil you put in. And this has to be changed regularly. Oil change is an important part of car maintenance, and depending on what kind of vehicle you own, you need to change it.
Steering Repair
Visit us for a steering inspection, and we will analyse them for their performance. If you have any problems with the steering, or if you feel the steering is not smooth, don’t waste time, but bring it to us immediately.